Local environment

december 19, 2015


‘Local Environment’, 2015


‘Motie van Zelfvertrouwen’, 2015

The Deal

december 16, 2015


‘Well Shell Park’, 2015


‘The Deal’, 2015

2015 1205

‘Newsbattle’ and collaboration with multi artist Kamagurka (http://www.kamagurka.com/nl/home). He draws everyday a reaction in the evening post NRC (http://digitaleeditie.nrc.nl/welkom-replica) in the Netherlands, responding on that days headlines. I am doing the same for a month. Beside other earlier collaborated artworks we did in the Cobra Museum last year, we will show them in the KERS gallery (http://www.kersgallery.com) in Amsterdam (opening 3 dec 2015 -10th of January 2016)
The 30th of december we have a life battle in the gallery!

Everyday you can follow the results and themes on my Facebook page


24-11-2015; Russian plane shot by Turkish army


25-11-2015; No title; Poetin controls by yoga and turkish belly dancer


26-11-2015; ‘who is the chef’; Europe dealing with Ukraine



27-11-2015; ‘Home Care Giant’; headlines referring problems in Home Care in the Netherlands


30-11-2015; ‘Wil je uitkering met mij’/impossible to translatie. Something like: do you want a social security date with me?


01-12-2015; ‘All you can eat conference’; relating to the World Climate summit in Paris


02-12-2015; ‘Play your Prix’; relating to the news from Paris that the ‘super-rich’ want to play their own charity games.


03-12-2015; ‘En daar staat een Arabier…’; concerning the critical opinion on Saudi Arabia and their relation to IS.


07-12-2015; no title; in relation to the big win of the French ultra right winged party Front National, who plays constantly the cart fear.


08-12-2015; ‘Lastenverlichting’/reduction in the burden of the taxes


09-12-2015; no title; in relation to the headlines about child abuse. Here the frontpage article in NRC and Kamagurka’s response in cartoonish style



10-12-2015; no title; on trial and judgement of big fraud case of housing corporation figure, who was associated with big spending on cars and swimming pools, etc.


11-12-2015; ‘Judge Mo’


12-12-2015; ‘NGO Selfie’; in relation to the news that lots of development money disappears in Third World organizations. A selfie for the sponsor.


28-11-2015; ‘Cowspiracy’; concerning the total ignorance of the funest influence of cattle breeding world wide on our climate during the summit in Paris. The drawing underneath plays with that subject as well


copyright Kamagurka

A workshop of a month Tirzo Martha and I did with Fiona Henriquez, junior tutor at IBB and among others participants from a MBO school Cibap and quite a few IBB-alumni students. We have created a strong environment in the Museum De Fundatie in the city of Zwolle. We responded on 4 songs of the populair singers  Nick and Simon. Of course along the process we got lost in their poetry and in our own harmonious chaos.