maart 13, 2007

Here we go with some informal pictures…….


Bart Lodewijks, myself and Honoré d’O relaxing at the ping-pong-table


 Daniëlle van Zuijlen, one of our artists in residence and ‘stagiaire’ Dionne Scheepmaker


Belgium artist Honré d’O was giving a lecture and an introduction to our pupils of the IBB.


Honoré d’O and student Junie thinking: “what the heck is this….?!

maart 7, 2007

It’s awfully busy at this moment and that’s why I do fail a littlebit in serving my blog! Therefore today only an older work and the invitation for our grand opening at our new, restaurated, historical building.


“Kransdraging”/ “Bearing of the Wreath”, polyurethanes, wood, iron, plastics, 2005


One of the participants on the workshop ‘public studio’ in preparation for a series of permanent sculptures for the city of Vlissingen, “Badende Beelden”, Vlissingen, 2005.



maart 2, 2007

Doing a ‘stage’ (a work placement practice) is hot on Curacao! Dozens of Dutch students pass this island every year. It even has become ‘big business’ (new colonialism?!). Renting apartments, cars, special bars and disco’s, etc. It is all pretty much isolated from local equivalents. Very, very commercial. Most of these youngsters are only here to have brainless fun, are very surprised when they realise everyone speaks Dutch overhere and ar not aware of the historical ‘strings attached’. Do they change their collective self-image after their stay? Underneath an ‘imagination’ of an innocent Dutch girl, ariving at her work placement practice at Campo Alegre ( This is a unique ‘Quantanamo Bay of Hookers’ on Curacao…   

Stage/work placement practice 2007 David Bade